Thursday, May 28, 2009

iPhone dump.

So I sold out and got a cell phone... however, after having promised myself that I would "go big or go home," I decided to go big, so I bought an iPhone. I'm into it. I love the fact that I have a camera that I have to carry around with me. So from now on most of my posts will be iPhone dump type posts. Oh yeah, and if you want to experience some of these pictures and more at the same time I do, go follow me on Twitter. I do a good amount of picture tweetin'. I present to you now, my first iPhone dump.

(Click the picture for a larger version.)

Whilst out with the boys, I thought I'd send John a slice of 'Za.
He has definitely been enjoying me having a cell phone.

Before our show at Launchpad, Tronzie decided he wanted Pita Pit. Coincidentally, our friend was working at the time and hooked it the fuck up.I believe mine had felafel, mushrooms, guacamole, cucumbers and spinach.

I decided to try a vegan Rice Krispie treats recipe. I ate one immediately after I had made them and they were decent. Tyrone and I gleefully took some to our neighbor, Robin, who was kind enough to feign excitement when biting into one. I ate a cooled one when I got home and it was as hard as a rock. I guess I'll have to try the recipe again or find a new one.

Jake and I really wanted some Otter Pops so we decided to get some. It wasn't as easy as you'd think. We scoured the North Valley to no avail. Anyways, we took this for Andy in the cookware section of Smith's.

After taking the last picture, I noticed this freaky assed wine. Ew.

Tyrone, Lewis, Julian and I met up with Hannah and Chloe for get drinks. While waiting for the arrival of Tyrone and Lewis, they decided to teach me UNO. As with most games of which I am unfamiliar, I became "over it" rather quickly. Pictured above is the lovely Chloe displaying her exemplary shuffling skills.

I finally got my horizontal ID which means I am officially 21 at the age of 22. We decided to celebrate by sticking with tradition by going to Burt's Tiki Lounge. However, over the months of my absence, Burt's' has become a bro-ding ground. Here is my favorite crazy white girl, Megin Taylor in front of the Atomic Cantina.

The next morning, Lewis, Julian and I decided to go get breakfast at Duran's. I didn't think to take pictures of the food because I was too excited to eat it. If you're familiar with Duran's, you know they have tons of nicknacks and such. We found a "dieting with Jesus" magnet set. Blasphemy at its most marketable. The magnet I found the most funny features a cross bearing Jesus. The text under it reads; "Work those buns anywhere."

My friends over at the Dudes Punching Dudes blog(peep, follow, party) recently picked up what can only be referred to as a "bad decisions machine." With this machine, they have been giving each other shitty DIY tattoos. This is by far the best I have seen. This is Eli's Shoryuken tattoo.

Some of the guys and I took a trip to Clovis to visit my family and party. After a decent night's sleep and showered, we helped my family prepare breakfast. My Grampo, being the renaissance man he is, has a griddle in his back yard. Upon our entry onto the back patio, we discovered THE cutest stray dog.

Oh my fucking God. Seriously. Look at that little guy.

My family warned me of his tick problem, but with a face like that... I doubt I would even notice if a tick clawed its way into my pee hole.

After letting our food digest for a bit, we decided to head to the Clovis mall. It took us about 5 minutes to be completely over it. However, we did run into famed Pokémaster, Ash.

My Grampo sent us on an ice run where we had to pick up 13 bags of ice. A very beautiful, older chicana had just purchased 4 bags... So of course being the gentleman I am, I offered to carry hers to her car. All while Miguel and Julian carried 6 bags each to the van.

I don't need to say much about this picture. Let's just say Miguel lost his innocence quite a few times on this trip.

FOOD PORN TIME. Here is a 3 gallon pot of homemade red chile. It had pork at the bottom of it, so I couldn't partake in the pants shitting.

Here we have a 3 gallon pot of homemade green chile. As you can see, it had chicken floating around it in so once again, none for me.

My Grama is always lookin' out for a brother so she peeled some green for me. I will be absolutely devastated when I miss green chile season this fall.

If for some reason you have ever wondered how incredibly Chicano my family is... This is pretty much the only image you need to properly gauge their brownness.

That night at the graduation party of my cousin Elena, we partied on and off. At points we were too tired to function, then we caught 2nd and 3rd winds. Here is Tyrone and Miguel deliriously trying to set up a serious face contest. It never got anywhere. We all just giggled until our faces hurt.

On an outing with my Mom, we had breakfast at Duran's. This is a Chicano run business so there was bound to be something... Well, something incredibly hilarious for sale. Notice that there are all different voltages intermingling.

This is a pretty impressive picture considering iPhones have no macro setting. This was taken at Civic Plaza the day we went to see Gin Blossoms for free. They were fucking incredible. Just so you know. They opened with "Til' I Hear It From You" and I lost my shit.

After seeing the new Terminator, we drove by the Sunshine. Well, it turns out some friends of ours were working the parking lot. That night, Tech 9 was performing so all the Juggalos came out. We saw a couple of pretty perplexing things, but this was the best.

If you are a person who plays guitar you know how much it sucks to have some asshole friend or family member put you on the spot at a party. This is Julian at our friend Elliot's graduation after Elliot whipped out his guitar. A 12 string with only 6 strings, might I add. I feel your pain, dawg.

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