Sunday, June 7, 2009

Last night in town...

In a few hours I'm heading to Tucson, Arizona where I'll be living with my friend Andy. I won't have the internet aside from my phone's 3G service, so I don't know how often I will get to post pictures. Since I won't have much access to the internet, I thought I'd make a short little post before I tried to get some sleep. Anyway, I would love it if you wrote me, sent me records, photographs, letters, books, anything really. I promise I will send something equally sweet back. Here is my new address. (Sidenote: if you want, and for some reason don't have my number, message me at either of the available social networking site links provided on the right hand side of your screen.) Write me!

Joaquín Chávez
102 W. Sahuaro Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85705

Megin Taylor's neighbor mentioned his past profession as an exotic dancer, so we decided to put his skills to the test. This is Derek lavishing him with ones.

Shitty poop pants outside of our Launchpad.

Another wasted day in Corrales. That water felt incredible.

Although I really do appreciate the thought, this cake wasn't vegan so I couldn't even eat it. Betty ended up smashing it into my face and licking it out of my nostrils. Then Jake put his nuts on it. I truly have the best friends.

This is what "helping a dude" really looks like, and really, how I will really remember this beautiful city and my great friends. Thanks guys. I love you all. I'll be back sooner than later, I hope.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

iPhone dump (Cross processed edition!)

I got a sick cross processing app so this dump will be dedicated to my obsession with said application. So sick.

Here is just a random picture made to look way cooler with cross processing.

Julian and I had a sick brown dude day out. We went and saw Sin Nombre, got mango limeades at the Sonic in Barelas, then went and saw Rudo y Cursi. So sick. I love our brown dude times.

This is the first picture I took on my phone. This is when Lewis and I went to Fei's for lunch after seeing Star Trek.

I got an app similar to Lomo's "Action Sampler" camera. It takes four sequential pictures. It's pretty sick and I don't use it as much as I should.

For some reason we decided to go out wearing these stupid glasses the other day. Idiots.

Julian napping on the way to the Gin Blossoms show.

Jake in front of the fountain at Civic Plaza.

Jake in front of the fountain at Civic Plaza x4!

So epic.

Some little girl that was fascinated with Julian at Civic Plaza.

Eli lookin' all tough outside of Telos.

AJ eatin' some 'za at Brickyard.

I went to the casino for the first time ever with my family. Whilst snapping this photo I was winning 30 dollars on a ¢1 machine. What the fuck. My Grama moves so fast at the casino. It's wild.

Eric Burns caught a significant buzz before we went to Taco C. Good man.

After seeing the new Terminator, we went to our friend Elliot's graduation party. It was catered by Garcia's. What the fuck. Also, his pregnant sister is a babe. Oh my God. Anyway, here's Jake and Elliot's little pooch.

My three favorite ladies getting their technology on.

MT. Note the sketchy finger tat.

We cleaned out the hall closet and found some gems. Here's Vinnie in his new hat.

So sick. I mean... wow.

Miguel Crump.

Vinnie outside of the Taylair after the Outbreak show.

Jake and I went to the aquarium and had the best time ever. While walking through, we noticed the woman cleaning the tank. She was total babe.

Joaquín: "Dawg! Jellyfish?!"
Jake: "You are a grown man!"

This puffer fish is an attention whore. It was all up on the glass.

Here is Jake humoring the little guy.

When we saw this aggro assed dude we a.) were pretty frightened and b.) laughed hard as shit 'cause it reminded us of Andy. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"